Top Grange Farm Estate

Top Grange Farm Estate Scheme 2, Ilugun, offers a unique opportunity for dual ownership of land and farm operations. Subscribers purchase land, which is then farmed by our team, providing a guaranteed yearly return on investment for each farm cycle. Each farm cycle spans three years, ensuring continuous and reliable income for investors.

Unique Selling Points

Combination of land and farm ownership, providing both real estate and agricultural
investment benefits.

Subscribers receive a guaranteed yearly return on investment for each three-year farm

Rolad handles all agricultural operations, allowing investors to enjoy passive income
without the hassle of farming.

Value Proposition

Earn up to N400,000 per year in passive income, with returns guaranteed each year for the
duration of the farm cycle.

As land values increase, subscribers benefit from both annual farm returns and potential
land value appreciation.

This scheme offers a diversified investment portfolio combining real estate and

Investors start receiving returns immediately upon entering the scheme, ensuring quick
benefits from their investment.

Provides a secure and stable investment option with guaranteed returns and
professional management.

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